Hogwarts Radio (Listen to HPANA's official podcast!)

Hogwarts Radio #83: The One Where You Just Got "Rickrolled"

Hogwarts Radio #82: The One With BAD Voldemort

Hogwarts Radio #81: The One On Stranger Tides

Hogwarts Radio #80: The One Where We Do The Robot

Hogwarts Radio #77: The One Where We Get Down!

Hogwarts Radio #76: The One With Hermione's Palpable S.P.E.W

Hogwarts Radio #75: The One Without Dobby's Shoes

Hogwarts Radio #73: The One With the Metro House-Elf

Hogwarts Radio #70: The One With Monsters, Vampires, and Disappearing Acts

Hogwarts Radio #69: The One With Busty Crustaceans

Hogwarts Radio #68: The One With Cameos and Quaffle-Shaped Scars

Hogwarts Radio #67: The One with Mufasa

Hogwarts Radio #66: The One Where Voldemort Does Disco

Hogwarts Radio #63: The One That's Bringin' It Back

Hogwarts Radio #59: The One With Ron's Chicken Wings

Hogwarts Radio #55: The One with Ariel's Sea Shells

Hogwarts Radio #52: The One Where Gringotts Got Grins

Hogwarts Radio #51: The One with Baubles

Hogwarts Radio #50: The One with SWAG!

HPANA on Radio New Zealand to talk 'Potter'

Hogwarts Radio #49: The One With Voldemort's Superman Pose

Hogwarts Radio #48: The One That's Over the Wizarding Limit

Hogwarts Radio #47: The One That Has No Name

Hogwarts Radio #46: The One With The Hogwarts Professor

Hogwarts Radio #45: The Fabulous One

Hogwarts Radio #44: The One With the HOR-crux

Hogwarts Radio #43: The One with the Half-Pint Flitwick