'Harry Potter' ultimate editions
'Harry Potter' ultimate editions

'Harry Potter' ultimate edition DVD's announced

  September 20, 2009 at 2:18 PM ET
  Jeremy     HPANA (via Various)
  Harry Potter, Ultimate Edition, DVD, Blu-Ray, Warner Brothers

Following the report that Harry Potter extended editions were expected to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray, we can now confirm that this is indeed the case, with all eight films set to be released as "Ultimate Editions," and Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets set for a release date of December 8.

According to a reportopens in new window from Video Business:

The new Ultimate Editions of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, priced at $39.92 on DVD and $49.99 on Blu-ray, will each include five hours of special features, theatrical and extended versions of the film, a 48-page photo book and other collectibles.

Among the special features will be screen tests, new featurettes with the cast and filmmakers and the first two one-hour installments of a new comprehensive documentary about the making of the movie franchise. Called Creating the World of Harry Potter, the eight-hour documentary will have one hour on each Ultimate Edition.

To see a list of what to expect from the first two editions, click hereopens in new window.

The official trailer for the ultimate editions can be viewed, right hereopens in new window.

Thanks to Ronald, Mugglenetopens in new window, LeakyNewsopens in new window, and VideoBusinessopens in new window for mailing!


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