Spellbound! wants you to come, stay, help out

  June 30, 2005 at 12:26 AM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA (via Spellbound!)
  harry potter event, spellbound, harry potter party, oak park

Spellbound!opens in new window is looking for a few good wizards (and witches) to help with operations and whatnot at the huge book 6 party in Mt. Prospect, IL on July 15. The event features exclusive activities and attractions and volunteers are needed to help ensure a fun time is had by all.

There are a couple of important bulletins to get out about Spellbound!, actually:

  1. Sign up to volunteeropens in new window (and get a nifty staff t-shirt and other fringe benefits) at the official volunteer forum!
  2. Extremely inexpensive hotel roomsopens in new window are still available at a discounted rate of just $69/night (down from $189/night!) but space is no longer guaranteed as the remaining rooms have been released to the general public. Spellbound!'s special rates, however, are still in effect so it's basically first-come, first-served now!
  3. Register and pre-order NOWopens in new window if you're coming. This may be the most important point. Over 10,000 people are expected to show up and fans need to realize that if they don't register, a copy of the book cannot be guaranteed!

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