JK Rowling
JK Rowling

Harry to survive to book 7; Rowling 'halfway' through Potter 6

  August 15, 2004 at 9:41 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via CBBC Newsround/BBC News)
  harry potter book 7, rowling and book 6, half blood prince, harry potter and the half blood prince

JK Rowling attended the Edinburgh International Book Festival today and gave fans some interesting tidbits about the future Potter books as well as the status of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. There was no announcement about the publication date.

CBBC Newsroundopens in new window was there to hear Rowling tell fans:

  • Aberforth Dumbledore is the barman in the Hog's Head
  • Dumbledore's patronus is a phoenix
  • Grawp will be more controllable in the sixth book
  • We will see a bit more of Rita Skeeter
  • There will be a new character called McLagan
  • Harry does NOT have a godmother

Rowling also states that fans should be concentrating on answering two questions:

  1. Why didn't Voldemort die when he tried to kill Harry?
  2. Why didn't Dumbledore try to kill Voldemort in that scene at the end of book five?

Check out some photos of Rowling hereopens in new window and a full transcript of the event is available now.

According to BBC Newsopens in new window Rowling told those gathered that:

Harry would "survive to book seven" but refused to confirm whether he would grow up to be a wizard.

Update: Read one attendee's first-person reportopens in new window of the event including exclusive picturesopens in new window! Thanks to Ann-Marie Wales and The Leaky Cauldronopens in new window.


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