Prof. Slughorn, Harry & Hermione
Prof. Slughorn, Harry & Hermione

New hi-res images from 'HBP'

  January 6, 2009 at 6:37 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA
  harry potter and the half-blood prince movie, half-blood prince movie, hbp movie, harry potter movies, dan radcliffe, daniel radcliffe, rupert grint, emma watson, david yates

Thanks to Warner Bros. we now have two new high-resolution images from the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie that first appeared in the February issue of Empire magazine.

The Weasley Wizard Wheezes storeopens in new window with James and Oliver Phelps and director David Yates

The Three Broomsticksopens in new window featuring director David Yates, Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron), Emma Watson (Hermione) and Jim Broadbent (Professor Slughorn)


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