Description of ITV documentary on J.K. Rowling

  December 10, 2007 at 9:18 PM ET
  Geri     The Leaky Cauldron
  jkr, j.k. rowling, jo rowling, harry potter and the deathly hallows book, hpdh book, deathly hallows book

Last July we told youopens in new window of a documentary on Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and that it was set to air in the UK this winter.

The documentary will include scenes of when Jo turned over her complete manuscript of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, quotes from JKR, her publishers and her husband, Dr. Neil Murray.

Some people will loathe it, they will absolutely loathe it. But the thing is that's how it should be, and for some people to love it others must loathe. That's just in the nature of the plot. Some people won't be happy because what they wanted to happen won't have happened. "And to an extent there's so much expectation from the hard core fans that I'm not sure I could ever match up to it. I'm actually really, really happy with it, and it's very odd to think that this will be broadcast after loads of people have read it and people may right now be throwing things at the screen.

You can read a full description of the previewopens in new window courtesy of TLC.

The documentary JK Rowling... A Year in the Life will air on ITV on December 30th.


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