You do like kittens, don't you?

  October 26, 2005 at 5:04 PM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA
  triwizard tournament, dissendium

Today's the last day to cast your vote for HPANA in's Triwizard Tournament, operated with the supportopens in new window of WB to promote Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In addition to my promise of raising adorable cuddly kittens on a free-range kitten farm, I'm upping the ante: Vote for us, and I'll make some long-requested updates and new features on HPANA.

Pay no attention to the other sites on there, who have Italian hit men, animal cruelty and promises of fame, glory and money as their bribes (and threats).

Registeropens in new window for a PotterPass on and then voteopens in new window for HPANA!


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