Halloween surprise as door opens at JKRowling.com
October 31, 2004 at 9:11 AM ET
HPANA (via JKRowling.com)
jk rowling, jkrowling.com, harry potter and the half-blood prince
The door at JKRowling.com has opened to reveal a surprise from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Highlight the area below to read the instructions, but do not read if you don't want to be spoiled. Enjoy!
- 1. Click on the hairpiece on Rowling's desk
- 2. The 'Do Not Disturb' sign is gone - Wait a few minutes
- 3. After a while, Peeves will appear and will knock over a flower vase and several keys will appear
- 4. Pick up each one of the keys and insert them into the keyhole on the door until one fits
- 5. The door will open and you will see Rowling's desk
- 6. Open the drawer in the table, take the magnifying glass, and with it, look at the folder on the left side of the table.
A riddle appears:
One by one we come to life
The side-by-side we wait
While our company swells in numbers
(Some come early, some come late)
And some of us may bore you
And some of us enthral
But you cannot choose between us
You must take us one and all
We'll be bound together tightly
For we're naught if we break free
If you'd like some clues about is
Simply answer: WHO ARE WE?"
The answer is CHAPTERS. You then will go to Jo's desk, open the drawer, lift the magnifying glass, scroll over the folder and lift the pages that are sticking out of the top. Your reward: Three chapters titles from book 6!
Thanks to everyone who sent these in.