Review: 'Azkaban' is what all the Harry Potter films should aspire to be
May 27, 2004 at 8:06 AM ET
HPANA (via Ain't It Cool News)
Prisoner of Azkaban review
Ain't It Cool News has another glowing review of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and states that this movie is what all Potter films should aspire to be. The review describes how the Whomping Willow rules the world, the Dementors, the werewolf and how the stars shine.
From the review:
From the opening WB logo you can tell that you're in for a different Harry Potter film. When even the giant two letters have a dark atmosphere about them, you know they're on the right track. And that magical, yet dark tone fills the whole movie, even in the more light-hearted sequences.
The kids are also at the top of their game. Emma Watson has made Hermione all her own and is growing with the role, as are Rupert Grint as Ron and Daniel Radcliffe as Harry. The reason this film series was so exciting to me was the possibility of seeing a complete series with the same main cast from film one to the finale and so far it's paying off. These three kids embody the characters and give them a sense of authenticity because they've been with them, grown with them, since the beginning. I hope WB is smart enough to pay these kids whatever they want to keep them in these roles for the last few movies.
The effects are top notch, the best of the series. The Whomping Willow rules the earth. The Dementors are amazing.
In the end, this film is what all the Harry Potter films should aspire to be. The magic is captured, the characters are faithfully realized and the acting is top notch. The script is as tight as it could be without losing important threads from the books.
Go, enjoy Pottermania. This movie is going to make boat-loads of money and it deserves every penny.
Ain't It Cool's review does contain spoilers so read the original at your own risk, also be aware of some adult language contained on the site.