New 'Prisoner' review
May 19, 2004 at 6:53 PM ET
A Time Warner employee has sent Mugglenet a spoiler-free review of a screening of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban which he saw this morning and he has wonderful things about the movie.
Here is some of what he has to say:
"I liked the first two films - don't get me wrong ... but, I never felt that they were as good as they should have been. A lot of that I believe came from Chris Columbus' slick "Hollywood" style directing. I always thought that a director with more of an "Indie" film background would be better suited to direct these movies. Alfonso Cuaron delivers ... BIG TIME! Everything is better! The storytelling, the acting, the music and even the special effects.
The three principals have grown as actors ... none of their lines are the slightest bit forced or overdone ... every line is delivered in very natural way.
Read the full review HERE.