Harry Potter for slightly older folk

  February 1, 2004 at 1:11 AM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA (via Diagon Alley)

HPANA is proud to introduce the all-new Diagon Alleyopens in new window, one of the oldest online Harry Potter communities, as our new sister site!

Diagon Alley was created by Ali Wilgus in February of 2000, and until September 2003 operated as a combination fan art and fiction site with ezBoard forums. The new version, introduced Feb. 1, 2004, is a complete site with integrated messageboards, news and more, run by design guruopens in new window and extreme Gryffindor Anita Miller.

"I'm really excited about the new site, and especially about teaming up with HPANA," said Miller. "I think that together, we can do some wonderful things for the fandom."

The new site is home to a prolific group of adult fans who contribute news, fiction and art to the community. As sister sites, HPANA and DA are combining efforts to produce an authoritative resource guide to the universe of Harry Potter. The Portkey will join this resource guide at a brand-new site, operated jointly, called Inside Harry Potteropens in new window. It will be a much-needed, completely canon-based information center for serious Potter enthusiasts.

These projects, and more, have been in the works for over seven months. We're extremely thrilled to be aligning our common interests to create useful resources for the HP community, and hope you'll stick around for the ride.

Jeff Guillaume
Editor-in-Chief, HPANA

Note: Diagon Alley has been experiencing trouble with their web host. Please try visiting the site later if you are unable to reach it now.


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