Rowling's Dad to cash in on Potter secret

  November 24, 2003 at 10:18 AM ET
  Geri     Wizard News (via Contact Music)

According to Contact Music, author J.K. Rowling's father is "unleashing secret detailsopens in new window from her massively popular Harry Potter novels, in an attempt to raise over $200,000 (GBP125,000)."

In the letter written at the start of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK reveals character Ron Weasley is based on a family friend called Ronald Ridley - something the author was keen to keep private.

It readsopens in new window, "Dear Dad, If I had said Ronald (Weasley) Ridley, they would have tracked the poor bloke down... but that's why Ron's called Ron, of course!"

The sale will take place at Sotheby'sopens in new window in New York on Dec. 10, 2003.

[Editor's note: My question is why is he trying to raise cash - is it for a good cause?]


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