Slime Chamber game flunks the ooze test

  December 8, 2002 at 8:31 PM ET

The Miami Herald didn't like the Slime Chamber game...nope, not at all:

We've looked at plenty of Harry Potter toys in our day, but the absolute worst is the Harry Potter Slime Chamber (Mattel; $15.99). It's a slime-oozing plastic statue of a snake. You put a Harry Potter action figure underneath, release the snake's jaw and dump green slime.

The biggest problem: The slime doesn't ooze. It just plops out in a big blob. ''Uninventive, disappointing,'' said one tester. ''The slime should be more drooly,'' said another. Also, it doesn't come with any figures, Harry Potter or otherwise.

Thanks to Kunal.

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