Candidates for Dumbledore

  November 28, 2002 at 9:30 PM ET
      UKHarryPotter has an interesting story naming possible candidates to fill the role of Dumbledore in future Potter movies.&br;&br;"Whom do they hire to replace Harris? Do they rethink the role at all? Harris seemed sickly in the second Potter film, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and disappointingly passive, mere wizard window-dressing in the first, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. &br;&br;'The role is so fundamental to the character and narrative of the movies, and was played so beautifully by the late Richard Harris, that the studio and filmmakers intend to make a very careful and considered choice in casting the next actor to embody the headmaster of Hogwarts School' a spokeswoman for Warners says, adding that it is 'far too early to speculate on who that might be.'&br;&br; Book 4 in the Potter series, Dumbledore will play a bigger role, officiating at competitions with other wizard schools. We need a new Dumbledore, and we need him now. &br;&br;Here are some thoughts. He should be British, if not of Harris' generation, then at least able to play ancient. He has to have a twinkle about him, but also something of the wizened wizard edge."&br;&br;

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