David Yates
David Yates

New interviews with David Yates and Dan Radcliffe

  July 2, 2007 at 7:48 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA
  harry potter and the order of the phoenix movie, order of the phoenix movie, ootp movie, david yates, dan radcliffe, daniel radcliffe

To add to the many video interviews from the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press junket a few weeks ago comes two new interviews with director David Yatesopens in new window and actor Daniel Radcliffeopens in new window.

Thanks to IESB for the links.

UPDATE: You can also read an interview in Parade magazine with Dan hereopens in new window. Thanks to Parade for sending over the interview. They have also let us know that the July 8th print edition of PARADE will feature a wonderful cover story on Emma Watson!

UPDATE II: There is also a new interviewopens in new window with David where he discusses the upcoming Half-Blood Prince, thanks Stefania.


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