HP trio & 'Teen Vogue' cover
HP trio & 'Teen Vogue' cover

Update: 'Harry Potter' trio and 'Teen Vogue'

  May 16, 2007 at 7:37 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA
  harry potter and the order of the phoenix movie, order of the phoenix movie, ootp movie, daniel radcliffe, dan radcliffe, emma watson, rupert grint

With the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix a little under two months away, the stars, Dan Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson grace the June issue of Teen Vogueopens in new window. Each is interviewed and while not much new information is garnered from the interview, there are new pictures of the trio.

Dan says of the film:

With this one, it's like everything has come together. It's been my favorite one to do. The character is so exciting in this film. He's so complex. When you're eleven, you're not that complicated. You know what you like and what you don't like, and you know what you want to do and what you don't. But as you get older, there's so much more. You're constantly subjected to this whole cacophony of conflicting thoughts. And I've been able to use that, I hope, to capture some of the detail and complexity of Harry.

Emma on distancing herself from Hermione:

I've read scripts, but nothing's particularly grabbed me, and I don't want to do something just for the sake of doing it. It would have to be a film I feel really passionate about, because I've got so much else going on in my life.

Rupert, a man of little words, mentions not having vacationing plans and the fact that Quidditch was cut from the film:

I was looking forward to Quidditch, though any stunt stuff is good to do.

You can read the article and see the new pictures of the trio hereopens in new window.

UPDATE: You can see outtakes from the photo shoot hereopens in new window thanks to EW.netopens in new window.


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