'Phoenix' premiere dates around the world

  April 26, 2007 at 11:11 AM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA
  harry potter and the order of the phoenix, order of the phoenix

As has been rumored on the web, HPANA can now confirm several premieres of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix around the world this year.

Japan will once again be honored with a red carpet premiere (possibly the world premiere, June 28, unconfirmed). The Odeon Leicester Square in London will host that country's premiere on July 3. Los Angeles will see an event July 8.

Thanks to DR.co.ukopens in new window, ICMopens in new window and everyone who e-mailed.

UPDATE: Warner Bros. has listed all of the theatrical release datesopens in new window for Phoenix on the official HP site. Thanks to UHPopens in new window for the tip!


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