Additional reviews from 'OotP' screening

  March 13, 2007 at 7:11 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via Aint It Cool News)
  harry potter and the order of the phoenix movie, order of the phoenix movie, ootp movie

We previously let you knowopens in new window about some early reviews of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which was previewed in Chicago a few weeks ago. We can now add two additional reviews to the list, which were both favorable:

You can read the full review hereopens in new window, but be warned there are spoilers (and questionable language).

The cinematography was PHENOMENAL. Very classy old school approach that really takes advantage of widescreen. Think Dr Zivango, Lawrence of Arabia, etc. Very epic feel.

This time all the actors are at the head of their game. Even the kids. Umbridge was a pretty interesting villain to watch. Very unlike what you'd expect. She's even scarier than Voldemort by the end of it. Although maybe that's a bad thing, because I actually didn't find Voldemort too threatening in comparison to her. There's this blond girl too, Luna, who's really funny and teaches Harry about getting over the loss of loved ones. Sadly we don't get to see too much of Alan Rickman. But for the little screen time he IS given, he's sucking brilliant.

Additional snippet from another review:

I would have to say that this movie is another Harry Potter success coming in just below Goblet of Fire on my favorites list. It's great to see these actors mature and truly have ownership of their roles. I give this movie an A-


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