Mr. Weasley & Harry
Behind-the-scenes look at 'OotP' from E!
November 20, 2006 at 7:06 PM ET
HPANA (via News Tip)
harry potter and the order of the phoenix movie, order of the phoenix movie, dan radcliffe, daniel radcliffe, emma thompson, david yates
To follow up with the online release of the teaser trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix E! TV's show 'Daily 10' recent visit to the set is now online. The show has interviews with Emma Thompson, Dan Radcliffe and director David Yates.
You can go directly to the site and watch the video here and thanks to for the tip.
UPDATE: You can now watch the full behind-the-scenes here, may take a moment to load (in Quicktime), or to view in Windows Media please go here, thanks Page.