Rupert Grint
Rupert Grint

Update: Rupert Grint featured in 'Parade' magazine

  October 7, 2006 at 1:42 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via Various)
  rupert grint, driving lessons

With Harry Potter actor Rupert Grint's newest movie, Driving Lessonsopens in new window, opening in limited release on October 13th here in the U.S., an interviewopens in new window with the actor will be published in tomorrow’s edition of Parade magazine (available with certain newspapers).

In the interview Rupert discusses briefly cars, his birthday and his friendship with Daniel Radcliffe. You can see several new pictures of Rupert hereopens in new window.

Thanks to TLCopens in new window and for a scanopens in new window of the article.

UPDATE: The article can now be viewed on the Paradeopens in new window web site which includes an Q&A section with Rupert that didn't appear in the magazine.


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