Early weekend estimates of 'GoF'

  November 20, 2005 at 1:00 PM ET
  Geri     Yahoo! News (via Reuters)
  harry potter and the goblet of fire, goblet of fire

Harry Potter has crushed the competition. Early weekend estimatesopens in new window for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have appeared online. The movie took in $101.4 million in U.S. theatres for Friday through Sunday.

The tally for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was much better than the first three Potter films, said Warner Bros. Pictures. To date, the best performer was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which kicked off with $93.7 million in June 2004.

Goblet of Fire is number four on the listopens in new window of all time openings for a weekend behind Spider-Man, Star Wars - Episode III, Revenge of the Sith and Shrek 2. The movie currently inhabits the number one spot of all top-grossing movies ever released in November, including the previously releasedopens in new window Harry Potter movies.

Current weekend sales can be seen hereopens in new window. Official results will be released on Monday.

UPDATE: Early overseas projections of $80 million can be seen hereopens in new window from each country.

Some statsopens in new window of the movie worldwide:

$24.6 million, a new record for a three-day opening in the UK
Germany with $19.8 million, a new record for a four-day opening
Mexico with $6.8 million, the third-best opening


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