New reviews of 'Goblet of Fire'

  November 10, 2005 at 12:09 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via Various)
  harry potter and the goblet of fire, goblet of fire

With just little over a week to go till the release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire some reviews have appeared online.

In it's reviewopens in new window the BBC points out the quality special effects, the actors & that the movie will "delight existing Potter fans:"

While it is certainly darker than previous films it also displays more of the teenage angst experienced by the wizards in the lead-up to their first formal dance.
Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson have improved greatly as Harry, Ron and Hermione since their first stilted performances five years ago.

Some additional reviewsopens in new window have also popped up:

Variety said:

Radcliffe rises to the occasion with a more dimensional and nuanced performance as Harry which suggests for the first time there actually may be an actor in him.

Ralph Fiennes makes the series' villain-of-villains a distinctive monster, remorseless and cunning, in a climactic scene that does not disappoint and will, like the dragon, prove frightening to impressionable youngsters.

The Hollywood Reporteropens in new window writes:

Along with the brooding and at times ominous look by designer Stuart Craig and cinematographer Roger Pratt, Patrick Doyle contributes the best musical score of the series, one richly symphonic yet with a pop overlay that reminds us we are in a world of fantasy.

Lizo from CBBC Newsround has this reviewopens in new window:

Hit - an action packed adventure that's both scary and touching. On a par with the superb third adventure The Prisoner of Azkaban.

Empire Onlineopens in new window gave it 3 out of 5 stars:

It's refreshing that Potter 4 aspires to be a paranoid thriller rather than yet another detective mystery. House points, too, for the movie's terrific effects and considerable char, but, once again, you can't help wishing the filmmakers had been bolder with the adaptation.

But it would seem that not every one has nice things to say about the movie. Screen Dailyopens in new window said:

A solid but mostly uninspired melding of the adventure and fright that have been the benchmarks of the franchise, Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire is neither as singular a film as director Alfonso Cuaron’s third instalment nor as kid-pleasing as Chris Columbus’s first two entries.


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