WB warns of email scam

  November 3, 2005 at 10:19 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via News Tip)
  harry potter

Warner Bros. has posted an alert on their web site in referenceopens in new window to scam emails sent to Harry Potter fans. The emails claim to be casting requests for the upcoming films and request personal information.

ALERTopens in new window - EMAIL FRAUD ADVISORY

There have recently been a number of emails circulating claiming to be casting for upcoming Harry Potter films. Many of these emails request personal information and some have the subject line of "WARNERBROS CASTSEARCH" or something to that effect. This is to advise that Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. does not engage in casting activity through email. These emails are fraudulent and you should not respond to any such email. Feel free to forward any such messages to [email protected] and we will do our best to investigate the fraudulent activity.

Thanks to Tyopens in new window for the tip.


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