First review of 'Goblet of Fire'

  October 26, 2005 at 7:21 PM ET
  Geri     Wizard News (via Ain't It Cool News)
  harry potter and the goblet of fire movie, goblet of fire movie, movie 4

We have all been waiting for this - the first reviewopens in new window of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The reviewer calls this move "...probably the best Harry Potter film we're gonna get until part 7 (if J.K. Rowling can deliver a knockout of a swan song)." Please be aware of the profanity content on this site.

A brief snippet of the review to wet your appetite is below:

The dragon that Harry battles is the best dragon ever put on film. It really doesn't look fake at all. And that goes for all of the special effects - if it isn't nominated for a visual effects Oscar, it will be a joke (considering that part 1 and 3 was!).

This leads me to the very tone of the picture. If you thought "Part 3" was dark, you haven't seen nothing yet! This is perhaps the darkest "family film" ever made. This is a family horror film! The new director (Mike Newell) and screenwriter in the series could have easily shyed away from the meaner tone that Alfonso CuarĂ³n set up in the last installation. But they go further - and then some. This is even more stunning, haunting, scary, gloomy, suspenseful and ominous than the last film, and all the more engaging for it.

Again, don't read the review if you don't want to be spoiled before viewing the movie.


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