Salem hosts witches, wizards and 'Potter' conference
October 5, 2005 at 1:42 PM ET
Yahoo! News (via The Boston Channel)
wicca, wiccan, salem, the witching hour, harry potter conference
Local news out of Salem is they've caught on to the fact that over 1,000 Harry Potter fans will be descending on the self-proclaimed "Witch City" this weekend for HPEF, Inc.'s The Witching Hour
Organizer Amy Tenbrink told the Salem News that professional and academic presenters will be exploring Harry Potter not just as a literary phenomenon, but as a cultural phenomenon as well.
Academics and fans will clash for five days to discuss, analyze, pick apart and enjoy JK Rowling's series.
Meanwhile, at least one Christian group claims the books have contributed to children embracing Wicca.