New 'GoF' TV footage in the UK

  September 16, 2005 at 9:32 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA
  harry potter and the goblet of fire, goblet of fire

It would seem that some new Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire footage has appeared on GMTV in the UK this morning. Some of the new footage included Hagrid dancing with Madame Maxime, Harry running through the Maze, Hermione telling Harry she is scarred for him and the Weasley twins laughing.

According to Gemma:

It shows some the same as the 2 min 30 secs one that came out yesterday but also shows Hagrid dancing with Madame Maxime, Harry running through the Maze, Hermione telling Harry she is scarred for him and the Weasley twins laughing, Hagrid standing alone in the dark and loads more. You see Wormtail taking off his death eater mask.

Thanks Gemma & if anyone can record it just let us know.

UPDATE: You can now view the footage online.


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