Tom Felton
Tom Felton

Tom Felton to appear at Collectormania in UK

  April 21, 2005 at 10:40 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via Tom
  tom felton

Tom Felton, Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies has updatedopens in new window his web site with news that he is scheduled to appear at Collectormaniaopens in new window in the UK on Saturday, April 30. He also posts that he has spent time in the U.S. on vacation visiting friends, playing golf and shopping.

Tom on his vacation:

    Life has been ok since we last wrote to you on the blog. I went to America in January to see our old fishing friends and I went again to Florida in March for a family holiday. There were 8 of us who went and we hired a nice house and had a good time. We went to play golf and when we got back to the car, someone joked that there was an alligator behind me in the car park and I thought they were messing about but when I looked there it was! I wasn’t sure it was real but when I said that to my brother Chris, the gator's head moved and Chris said 'Trust me bruv, it's real'. I've seen how fast they can move but luckily he wasn't hungry!!

Collectormaniaopens in new window takes place from Friday, April 29 to Monday, May 2 in Milton Keynes, in the UK.

Thanks to everyone who wrote in with the news.


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