Harry Potter = Annoying meddler?

  September 15, 2004 at 6:24 PM ET
  Cheeser     Yahoo! News (via Zanesville Times Recorder)
  harry potter religion, harry potter criticism, harry potter books, harry potter analysis, harry potter title

What's in a name? A lot of bad news if you're Harry Potter, apparently.

An ohio resident appliedopens in new window some -- let's say "creative thinking" -- to the book's title character and came up with a laundry list of negatives.

Harry -- to annoy greatly, harass, to plunder, lay waste, overrun.

Plunder -- to loot, take by force, as in war.

Potter -- to meddle, to be busy with petty and trifling matters, to work idly or in a desultory manner, to dabble, to be busy in an unsystematic way.

Meddle -- to interfere without right or necessity.

Desultory -- passing from one thing to another, without logical connection, aimless.

Dabble -- to do things without earnest effort.

The writer used these definitions as the basis of her argument that the books are an instruction manual for witchcraft and "satanic sacrifices." She considers the title Harry Potter to be "well-planned and picked especially for these stories."


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