Emma/Hermione makes Oprah's strong role model list

  April 19, 2004 at 11:26 AM ET
  grae     The Leaky Cauldron (via Oprah.com)
  Emma Watson, Hermione Granger, Oprah

In the May issue of O, The Oprah Magazineopens in new window, Emma Watsonopens in new window's portrayal of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies is considered a "strong" role model, alongside the likes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Wonder Woman.

According to a tipopens in new window sent to The Leaky Cauldronopens in new window from one of their readers, an article titled Role Models with Style ,Spirit, and cojones to Burn cites Hermione "for her 'quick as a Quidditch Ball' intellect, which helps the trio out of many situations."


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