'Goblet of Fire' casting call

  December 13, 2003 at 9:26 AM ET
  Geri     MuggleNet (via This is Bradford)

This is Bradford has an article on the Parvati/Padma open casting callopens in new window currently going on in British schools. Casting director Shaheen Baig, is looking to fill two major roles in the fourth JK Rowling adaptation, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Miss Baig spent last week visiting schools in the area searching for the perfect pair of Asian girls to play the characters Parvati and Padma Patel. The chosen girls will have major scenes opposite the film's main stars Daniel Radcliffeopens in new window, Emma Watsonopens in new window and Rupert Grintopens in new window because they will be playing Harry and Ron's dates for the Yule Ball.

Miss Baig said:

"In this book they are actually written as twins but it has been incredibly difficult to find Asian twin girls so we decided to open it up and just find two girls. We're looking for two girls, if they happen to be sisters that would be amazing, but it doesn't really matter. We just want two good girls who have fantastic chemistry."

Shooting for the film begins in April next year and the film will be released in 2005.


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