Update: Biggerstaff chat tonight
September 23, 2003 at 12:16 PM ET
Sean Biggerstaff, aka Gryffindor quidditch keeper in the first two Harry Potter films, will take part in a chat tonight, around 10:30-11:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, at his official website
Kinda last minute but Sean is going to participate in a live Questions for Sean tonight... Sean will not be able to answer all questions. Favourite colour question will send him around the bend so be a bit more creative.
Update: One of the chat moderators posted up some helpful guidelines for the event tonight and even provided an alternative for those who cannot make it:
For people who will not be able to make it due to what time zone they are in, if you post your question in the Questions for Sean (forum) section, we will see if we can get a few answered. This only applies to those whose time zones make it impossible for them.