Harry Potter leading readers 'to hell'

  September 10, 2003 at 10:01 PM ET
  James     Moreover (via Asheville Citizen Times)

In a letteropens in new window reeking of misinformation and prejudice, Chris Oaks writes of the oft-heard evil impact of the Harry Potter books on children's minds and hearts and the consequences facing JK Rowling for penning such a sinister creed: "...if anyone causes any children to fall into sin, it is better for them to have a millstone tied around their neck and cast into the sea."

I am thoroughly aware that this is hardly a valid news post as the information in question is laughably trite, but I thought I would include this for your amusement. I'm sorry, Mr. Oaks, but your piece deserves to end up in the trash as well, along with the pieces written by all of your friends.

I am writing you all about people telling their kids that Harry Potter is a hero. We are leading our kids to hell, and lying to our kids about sin. Even in our libraries, people who work there are telling Harry Potter stories. We need to be telling our kids about Jesus. Our kids live hard lives anyway. They need to know about Jesus Christ, not Harry Potter. People say that Harry Potter is just a story. They are wrong. God's holy word tells us that the things that Harry Potter does in his movies are wrong, plain and simple. Jesus said himself in his word that if anyone causes any children to fall into sin, it is better for them to have a millstone tied around their neck and cast into the sea. The children are God's favorite people. Author J.K. Rowlings needs to repent of her sins and trash these sinful books. I am writing up a petition for people to get Harry Potter books out of our libraries, and into the trash where they need to be.


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