HPANA site notices
June 28, 2003 at 6:10 PM ET
In order to offer you a more consistent and enjoyable experience on HPANA, our server will soon be moving from my apartment to an high-speed datacenter with dedicated bandwidth and power backup, courtesy of my local ISP (to be named later).
Because of the higher cost, I've had to place a few more targeted advertisements to supplement the contributions from our title sponsor, Alivan's Master Wandmakers. Our local ISP has offered HPANA a discounted rate for hosting, slashing their regular $425 per month rate. Still, it's more than I can afford outright.
Let's make things clear, though: We all do this for fun. Harry Potter is going to be around for many more years and there will always be a need for online gathering places like HPANA. I never intended the site to make money, in fact I knew I'd likely lose money on it each month. But it would be great if it could break even, which is where advertisements come in.
Thanks for keeping the dream alive!