We're back... are you?

  June 23, 2003 at 12:01 PM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA

First, I apologize for the site being completely down this weekend - I posted a note on Thursday explaining HPANA would be offline as the staff and I read our copies of book 5. A huge spike in traffic this past week was the cause of our recent slowness and downtime, something I hope to remedy in August (we will be moving the server to a dedicated hosting facility!).

Second, I finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix late Sunday night and can't wait to talk about it. So, here are my suggestions and some guidelines for participating in discussions on HPANA:

  • DO NOT DISCUSS ANY DETAILS FROM BOOK 5 unless you're in a designated area on the site (like this discussion page).
  • TREAD LIGHTLY IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE BOOK. That applies for the entire Internet. If you haven't finished reading or don't yet have a copy of book 5, this will be a dangerous time for you in Potter fandom. As much as we (webmasters, list operators) will try to keep plot spoilers from blatant public view, something may happen and you may be very, very angry. If it happens on HPANA, I am truly sorry.

That out of the way, I hope everyone has a great time as we turn our countdown attentions to Nimbus - 2003opens in new window, the first international Harry Potter fan symposium (convention). Cheers!

Jeff Guillaume
Editor, HPANA


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