Passerby picks up latest Potter novel in field

  May 5, 2003 at 10:45 PM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA (via The Sun)

Field where the books were found
Field where the books were found

The Sun's own Web site details the entire ordealopens in new window in much longer fashion than the other reports posted earlier. Thanks to Geri for the tip.

Here's what the man who found the books allegedly said after turning them in to The Sun:

"I thought, 'What the hell is this? And why has it been left here?' It was broad daylight when I saw it and I am amazed nobody else found it."

The two copies - found without the distinctive covers which have already been previewed for the public - were stuck together.


We can reveal that a THIRD copy of the new book is in circulation. Our news team received a call yesterday offering us the first three chapters of the book for £25,000. A shifty-sounding man told us: "I want the money in a suitcase and I will give you the first three chapters."

Full story, including pictures, is available at the link at the top of this story.

The Sun also mentioned the incident in this editorialopens in new window (scroll to bottom):

Don't worry, Harry Potter. Your secrets are safe with The Sun. We're not telling anyone what's in the fifth book. Except that its a cracking read. How three copies escaped from the high-security printing plant we don't know.

Maybe Hegwig the owl dropped them.


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