Internet Movie Database (IMDB)

  January 5, 2003 at 11:31 PM ET
      The Leaky Cauldron

Alright everyone: I love the IMDB, you love the IMDB, we all love the IMDB, but their posting Ian McKellen as the new Dumbledore does not mean it's fact. The IMDB has a notoriously high tolerance for rumours, and notoriously high record of posting information Joe Blow off the street sends in. It's a wonderful source, but with a high-profile part like this, with lots 'o' rumours being slung around, with Ian McKellen's people denying that he's been approached, with Ian McKellen himself saying he's more interested in other roles - the IMDB is not right, at least not yet. Official word will come when it comes, whoever takes the part - and it won't be first on the IMDB.

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