Tom Felton to leave?

  December 4, 2002 at 8:34 PM ET

From Cinema Confidential&br;&br;"While speaking with an international press member, I learned the other day that Tom Felton, who has played nemesis Draco Malfoy in the previous two Harry Potter movies, will not be returning in the role of "Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban" due to obligations with another picture.&br;&br;"Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban" will be directed by Alfonso CuarĂ³n and will begin filming in the spring of 2003 for a summer 2004 release.&br;&br;This was the first I heard of this, so stay tuned to see if there is any truth to this. For now, consider this a rumor."&br;&br;No!!!! NOOOOOO!!! You can't leave Tom, you just can't!:stress:

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