Jim Broadbent & David Yates
Jim Broadbent & David Yates

Decline in DVD sales may affect 'HBP' DVD

  June 22, 2009 at 10:39 AM ET
  Geri     Yahoo! News (via Chicago Tribune)
  harry potter and the half-blood prince movie, half-blood prince movie, hbp movie, david yates, jim broadbent

A very interesting articleopens in new window comes online today in regards to the effectiveness of DVD sales on the Harry Potter franchise.

The article mentions that while Warner Bros. made a huge profit with DVD sales of the first movie in the series, each additional movie has dropped in sales, and due to the decline in DVD sales over the last two years may have an an effect on Half-Blood Prince sales.

To help ensure that fans want to see the movie as well as purchase DVDs marketing has been "more contemporary, a little bit more in your face" according to Sue Kroll, Warner Bros. president of worldwide marketing:

To keep it fresh, we used all these wonderful moments in the movie -- the trials and tribulations of growing up, these new environments and the urgency of Harry trying to discover more information about who he is and what led to his parents' death.

To appeal to the now older fans, marketing has created darker and more intense trailers, while also showing individual lighter, amorous aspects of the movie, which started airing a full 11 months before the movie premiering.

On a more enjoyable note, the article mentions that the Half-Blood Prince DVD will be "released during the heavy gift-buying holiday season" and a new picture of David Yates and Jim Broadbent accompany the article.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens July 15, 2009.


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