Young fans
Young fans

College-aged 'Potter' fans needed for FSU survey

  August 12, 2008 at 1:30 PM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA
  harry potter study, harry potter survey, younger harry potter fans

Doctoral candidate and faculty member Colette Drouillard at Florida State University's College of Information in Tallahassee, Florida is collecting data for a research study investigating and seeking to identify reasons why young readers are motivated to read the Harry Potter books.

Because the majority of the current research has been based on why ADULTS think kids read the series, Drouillard's research will begin the process of seeking out what young adults of the present -- actual fans who grew up reading the Harry Potter books -- feel was important in motivating them to read these books.

The study, Growing Up With Harry Potter: What Motivated Youth To Read? consists of two parts.

The first part, to be completed between now and August 31, 2008 can be accessed at the link below. Follow-up interviews will be conducted with several survey participants in order to clarify or expand upon themes found in the responses to the survey.

IF YOU ARE 18-24 YEARS OF AGE and read the Harry Potter books as they were released beginning in 1999,
then click here to take part in the surveyopens in new window.

(Phase 1 = Online survey data collection: now through August 31, 2008; Phase 2 = Interviews via phone or internet with volunteers selected from those submitting completed Phase 1 surveys: September 2008)

Feel free to email Colette Drouillard at [email protected] to receive a summary of the results. Also, Colette would love for fans to forward this survey to friends. (HPANA will also be provided a copy of the results when they are published in December.)


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