Release dates for Greek, French & more translated versions of 'HPDH'

  June 6, 2007 at 7:15 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via Various)
  harry potter and the deathly hallows, hpdh, deathly hallows, gallimard, psichogios

French publishers of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book, Gallimardopens in new window, have announced that the translated book, which will be called Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort (Harry Potter and the Relics of Death), will be published on October 26th, be about 850 pages long and will cost 26.50 euros.

Christine Baker, the French editor who introduced Harry Potter to France, wrote a letter for the occasion. Here is the end of the letter (translated by La Gazette due Sorcieropens in new window, thanks Pruneau).

Only three people in the world have read the manuscript: the author, her American editor [Arthur Levine] and her British editor [Emma Matthewson]. The latter is someone I know well, and whose judgment I trust. According to her, the rich inventiveness, the complexity of the numerous surprises, the creative power and the intensity of the emotions are higher than anything we could have hoped, than everything we have experienced in the previous books!

She simply said: 'This book will be studied in schools, it will become a classic.'

Indeed, it has all the features of a literary classic: it moves readers of different ages, different origins, different cultures; it is read again and again; it gets the readers to think, dream, discover, laugh and cry!

For the past 17 years, J.K. Rowling has been making her way towards the last chapter of the seventh book, which she had written at the very beginning: it was a beacon at the end of the tunnel, helping her get through all her doubts, all the rumours, all the worries.

I am certain that the trip we will take through the last hundreds of pages, the trip that will lead us, the readers, to that last chapter, will be a strong and deeply marking experience. An epic read!

All that is left for us to do is to appreciate it as it should be, by reading, once again, the first six books, which are full of clues and mysteries, all to be resolved in Harry Potter 7: Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort (Harry Potter and the Relics of Death).

Christine Baker
Senior editor
Paris, 1st June 2007

Fans in Greece will be able to buy their translated version of the book on November 3rd according to Psichogiosopens in new window publishers.

Thanks to HPFZopens in new window, Pottermanicopens in new window & La Gazette due Sorcieropens in new window for all the information.

UPDATE: Also, fans in Vietnam will be able to purchaseopens in new window the English version of the book on the same day as the rest of the world, July 21st, 2007. It is estimated a translated version of the book will be available by mid-October. According to Potteworld.dkopens in new window the Danish edition of book translated to Harry Potter og Dødsregalierne (Harry Potter and the Insignias of Death) will be released October 13th by publisher Gyldendal.


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